It is always a confusion for me between wheezing vs stridor ( probably mainly because I do not look up enough ). So what is the difference?
From PubMed : wheezing is stridor? Not quite yet ( subset does not equal to similar )
1) Wheezing is normally heard in expiration ( although can be inspiratory or biphasic ); stridor is the reverse - heard best in inspiration
2) As wheezing is normally heard in expiration, it typically points to diseases in intrathoracic compartment ( i.e bronchi, bronchioles etc ), and stridor typically points to diseases in extrathoracic compartment ( i.e trachea, epiglottis )
3) And because wheezing typically suggests lower airway pathology, it is heard best over in chest, while stridor is heard better in neck ( logically )
4) One more thing is that stridor can be heard without a stethoscope, like this and this - the characteristic musical sound is typical of stridor
So what is the significance of hearing wheezing and stridor?
Wheezing - think of 3As
- Asthma, Anaphylaxis ( reactive processes )
- Aspiration of foreign bodies
- But remember asthmatic doesn't always wheeze, in fact the disappearance of wheezing in asthmatics equal impending respiratory arrest !! I call it 'paradoxical wheezing' as the airway is become more and more obstructed, the wheeze becomes softer and softer
- CHF can also cause wheezing in kids
- Rare causes like vascular ring which clamps your lower airway ( esp part of trachea located in the thoracic cavity, other symptom includes dysphagia when the esophagus is also clamped down )
Epoglottis/Larynx - Acute epiglottitis, croup ( laryngotracheobronchitis ), laryngomalacia, post-intubation laryngeal injury
Trachea - Foreign Body ObstructionReferences
Fundamentals of Lung Auscultation
Abraham Bohadana, M.D., Gabriel Izbicki, M.D., and Steve S. Kraman, M.D. N Engl J Med 2014; 370:744-751
Wheezing and stridor Hollingsworth HM. Clin Chest Med. 1987 Jun;8(2):231-40.
Nice work! Concise and very helpful for me upcoming viva.